четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Vic LIberals to contest every seat at coming state election

Vic: Vic LIberals to contest every seat at coming state election

The Victorian Liberals will contest every seat at the coming state election, challengingthe Nationals in rural areas rather than solely focusing on city and regional seats.

The Sunday Age says new Liberals leader ROBERT DOYLE has further strained tensionsbetween the two parties with the decision.

Mr DOYLE says his party plans to offer voters a choice in every seat and that may includebetween the Liberal and National parties.

For many years the Liberals have believed three cornered contests are a waste of money.

Nationals leader PETER RYAN is critical of Mr DOYLE's stand saying the Liberals' logicalemphasis should be city seats.

The next state election is due between November this year and November 2003, with Decemberthis year tipped as the likely time.

AAP RTV sjg/ldj


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